Are Chicken Feet Good For Dogs? 7 Benefits of Raw or Dehydrated Chicken Feet
Pet parents want a healthy and happy dog but did you know that chicken feet can help make that happen? We’ve fallen in love with the benefits of these natural and economical chews and here’s why:
Collagen: This naturally occurring super ingredient could be the source of its own, full length blog! In short, collagen helps our pet’s bodies build bones, muscles, skin, teeth, coat and nails! Its also been touted with helping to improve appetite!
Chondroitin Sulfate: Consuming chicken feet can help your dog naturally maintain good joint health and for those already suffering from joint problems, chondroitin has been shown to help with osteoarthritis as well. It is a building block of cartilage.
Glucosamine: Like chondroitin, glucosamine is another nutraceutical that is popularly used to treat arthritis in dogs (and their human parents, too!). And also like chondroitin, it is another building block of cartilage. Research indicates that a typical chicken foot will contain approximately 450mg of glucosamine. When you consider the cost of hip and joint chews, chicken feet can be both a natural and affordable alternative.
Hyaluronic Acid: More joint health benefits here! According to the experts at hyaluronic acid aids in rebuilding the fluid that both lubricates your dog’s hip joints as well as acts as a shock absorber, reducing inflammation. They advise that starting early on this ingredient can best help breeds that are prone to hip and joint issues, like many of the bigger breeds.
Protein: We all know how important protein is in a canine diet. Chicken feet offer a 100% natural source of protein.
Dental Health: Much like other healthy, natural chews (bully sticks, yak chews or yak cheese), chicken feet help promote healthy dog mouths. They can reduce tartar buildup and clean teeth and gums. Think of chicken feet as akin to nature’s toothbrush!
As you can see, there are lots of benefits to feeding your dog raw or dehydrated chicken feet!
A common question...
Can dogs really eat chicken feet? Yes! Although cooked chicken bones should not be given to your dog (due to the risk of fracturing and splintering bones), properly sourced raw or dehydrated chicken feet can be fed to your dog as part of their healthy diet and dental hygiene. While chicken feet do have a few tiny bones, the feet are primarily composed of skin and connective tissue and make a very healthy chew for your dog!
So chicken feet are good for dogs!
At Dog Bully Sticks, we believe a healthy dog, is a happy dog. Want to order some today? Buy Now
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